Monday, December 13, 2010

Where is Izabella?

So I was down in the basement which is Nate's man cave and he asked me to go grab him the vacuum. So being a good wife I passed him Izzy, and headed up stairs to grab it. When I came back I noticed that he wasn't holding her. Hoping desperately that he didn't set her down on the gross floor or on a table I started scanning around the room searching for her only to find her snuggled up in one of his traveling trunks on top of foam and paintball clothes. She didn't seem to mind at all.


Melissa said... took me a minute to find her. :) She is such a cutie! Good job. :)

Natalie said...

Ha ha ha... that is so hilarious! I can totally see Nate doing this. And frankly, it's a darling shot of her. I love it!

Tommy said...
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Jenni said...

That is too cute. Looks like you guys have adjusted to being parents very well. I need to come and see her in person.